Export/Forward Chat Conversations
I would like to see forward chats emailed to my email account.

Deric Lamphiear commented
sometime like this needs to happen. I have to be able to have export conversations for legal compliance. Personally I don't even like the chat, but clients use it.
Robert Laing commented
It would be better to eliminate the chat feature. We don't need another Chad application on our phones.
Pei Chun Chen commented
allow pictures and emojis in the text features. my clients tried to send me pictures, but I was not able to see it because of this app.
Kayte Roy commented
It would be great to at least have the option for notification in the app to show when someone has contacted you through your personal app. Especially when the app is not open.
Stephanie York commented
This should be standard since there isn't a text notification feature.
Eldon Guerrero commented
This would be great! How is there no way to archive text messages from within the app? The only thing I can think of is to screen shoot everything. This app needs to sync thru carrier SMS or something.
Norm Grodecki commented
It would be great if you could convert messages to text or email or a notification pop up for a message with a sound. Messages come in and unless you're looking at the icon you may not know you have a message waiting.
The ability to have Showing request notifications from other members would be useful. Thanks N.
Michael Brannon commented
I need the ability to routinely transcribe chat communication between clients and myself to my email so that I have an indexable record.