Be able to retract app
Sometimes the clients you have the app to shouldn't have the privilege anymore. We need to be able to unsubscribe them.

Peter Kalicki commented
In the client list, if there would be a way to disable access or block access to former clients. For example, you send a new potential client your branded app (and setup search criteria), then they decide to work with another agent that doesn't have access to ( or know how to use) the app, however the client is still using your branded app. Another scenario is a hostile client that you decide to cut ties with and would not want them to have access to your branding, etc.
Debra Luzinski commented
Please, please, please!!! Make this so we can disable their ability to use this app! "I'm not a Realtor but..." said a couple of clients; as they continue on to tell me my profession. It's seriously come to where I don't even want to share this app BECAUSE we can't disable it.
Please? -
Elias Herrera Jr. commented
Yes it really does!!! I need that option ASAP!
Elias Herrera Jr. commented
This app needs a control button so we can remove access from clients from our CRMLS.
Xai Vang commented
App should have the capability of retracting from a customer
ANGEL REYES commented
Please add the “retract” feature ASAP!!
Anna Tan PREC commented
With technology today this should be able to achieve soon, why they still not get this availability done by now ? Are we paying too much ? the services we have are lesser than what we have paid each month.
Bill De Mooy commented
is this true?!! a one way ticket?!
Stan Giske commented
...Or at least in brand it and unlink messaging feature. I don't ha e the need now but can see it coming!
Omg I need to take a few people off the immediate
Suzanne Bornemann commented
Please do this immediately...
Kristin Armstrong commented
You definitely need to make this possible immediately.
Terry Osti PREC* commented
Please do this soon!!!!
Terry Osti PREC* commented
Having access to this app is a privilege and sometimes we need to revoke access to certain clients. Please do this sooner than later!